
Showing posts from May, 2015

Walking Home

(C) 2015 Frederick Walton, N. C. Capitol Docent  Philip Brown portraying a Confederate Soldier Walking home while stopping at the N. C. Capitol to talk to visiting School Children Wednesday, May 20, 2015- "How far have you ever walked?" asked Philip Brown while answering questions from school children visiting the historic 1840 North Carolina State Capitol. Philip had spent the last 9 days walking.  He has walked through rain and steamy heat. He told me that one of the most difficult walks was along a road side trench where he felt like one leg grew longer to compensate for the slope. My back hurts just thinking about it!  He has slept under the stars, in churches and hotels. His meals are from the kindness of strangers. People have read about him in the newspapers and pulled their cars over to chat. He walks all day long taking only a 30-45 minute break for lunch and a rest. He started in New Berne, N. C. and has clocked about 130 miles. He showed me the blisters on his feet